Relapse Prevention in Round Rock, TX

So, you made it through rehab and came out the other side free of drugs and alcohol. Good for you! Now it's time to make a commitment to staying clear-headed and sober for the rest of your life. You may still feel tempted to use or drink again, but strategies help if and when you do. Relapse prevention in Round Rock is there for you.

What Is Relapse Prevention?

Before you can understand relapse prevention, you've got to know what relapse is. Basically, it is a reversal of a positive lifestyle change and a revisiting of old habits. Although a relatively common occurrence among recovering addicts, not everyone recognizes relapse when it's about to occur. Programs for relapse prevention and addiction treatment in Round Rock help many people resist an otherwise irresistible temptation.

Relapse Statistics Amongst Addicts and Alcoholics

According to the National Institutes on Drug Abuse, the relapse rates for drug abuse are roughly the same as those for other chronic illnesses such as asthma, hypertension, and diabetes.

The Institute also reminds readers that relapse does not mean recovery has failed. It does, however, indicate a possible need for a new alcohol relapse prevention plan.

Stages of Relapse

A typical relapse comprises three distinct stages. During the first stage, emotional relapse, the addict is not interested in returning to drinking or drugging. During emotional relapse, the addict is generally dead set on avoiding the behaviors that once brought them to their knees. During this denial phase, relapse prevention in Round Rock can stop a backslide in its tracks

During emotional relapse, individuals are not thinking about using. They remember their last relapse and they don't want to repeat it. But their emotions and behaviors are setting them up for relapse down the road. .

The second stage of drug or alcohol relapse is on a mental level. The National Institutes of Health describe this mental phase as a "war going on inside the mind" of addicts on the brink of relapse. As this mental stage of relapse progresses, the recovering addict may think about the people with whom they used to drink or use drugs.

They may reminisce about past parties and good times they had while drinking and drugging. They may talk themselves into believing an alternate version of the past while minimizing the actual damage drugs or drink did to their life before sobriety. They may bargain, lie, and concoct a scheme by which they can obtain their intoxicant of choice.

The third stage of relapse is physical. A one-time use may be called a lapse. One lapse may happen just because the opportunity presents itself. Most people who lapse or have a "slip' do so when they think they are unlikely to be found out. When the addict returns to uncontrolled use, they are in total relapse. This doesn't mean they can't get clean again.

In fact, a preponderance of people who complete a stint in drug or alcohol rehab experience at least one relapse. It's not abject failure, but relapse does provide an opportunity to revisit the reasons why they chose sobriety. Relapse prevention in Round Rock can help a recovering addict pick themselves up and move forward on the path of sobriety.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Relapse

In the emotional phase of relapse, the former user may hide their feelings and isolate from others. They may skip recovery group meetings, or they may attend but not share with the group.

They may nitpick other people's problems while denying their own emotional state. Poor self-care is typical among persons on the verge of a drug or alcohol relapse.

Crazy sleep patterns, poor diet, and inadequate hygiene are common to persons in emotional relapse. They may feel restless and irritable and wish to escape. This is a dangerous time, because it can snowball into an irresistible desire to use. It's also the right time to find out about addiction aftercare in Round Rock.

If you value your sobriety and you experience any of these early warning signs of relapse, please contact relapse prevention in Round Rock center without delay. Talk about your relapse prevention addiction treatment options with a specialist at (877) 804-1531.

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