Drug Rehab in Round Rock, TX

In the great state of Texas, the most-abused intoxicant of all is alcohol. This doesn't mean that an awful lot of people aren't struggling with addictions to other things, as well. Cocaine, methamphetamine, "molly," and prescription pain relievers such as hydrocodone and oxycodone rank highly among chemicals that cause bad problems for good people. If you or someone you care about has given control of his or her life to the pursuit and use of drugs, please contact a drug rehab in Round Rock today.

What Is Drug Rehab?

In the simplest terms, drug rehab in Round Rock comprises a range of programs designed to help a person rid themselves of an addiction while adopting new ways of living. It's not a religion, and rehab's not a cult.

Drug rehab in Round Rock comprises caring individuals united behind the goal of sobriety. Drug rehab treatment centers offer detox services along with individual and group counseling in a structured environment where the addict can learn to take back control of their own life.

What Happens in a Drug Rehab Center?

Drug addiction can be a horrible thing. Unfortunately, many people believe that entering a drug rehab facility is as bad or worse. Truth is, the decision to check into addiction treatment in Round Rock can be one of the wisest choices a substance abuser ever makes. Most addicts who balk at the notion of rehabilitation do so because they don't understand what, exactly, drug rehab is.

Even those who've heard others speak about drug rehab in Round Rock may wonder how their own experience will be, if and when they opt to undergo drug addiction rehab themselves.

Upon admission to drug rehab in Round Rock, the patient is respectfully evaluated by a physician as well as by a skilled mental health professional. An individualized treatment plan is formulated based on the types of drugs involved, the length of addiction, and other crucial factors. In many cases, "dual diagnosis" requires treatment for more than one issue at a time.

Peer group meetings based on 12-step or SMART Recovery programs are of great benefit to those who stay in an inpatient rehab in Round Rock during their recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction. Activities to boost physical fitness and mental acuity are offered by most Texas rehab centers. Nutritional counseling may also be offered as part of a whole-patient approach to wellness and recovery from addiction.

Treatment Options

The worst part of rehab, as far as most addicted persons are concerned, is the detoxification phase. Also known as "detox," this is the period of time during which the patient's body metabolizes and sheds whatever drugs or alcohol remain in the system.

In the bad old days of detox, a person who wished to be rid of an addiction was forced to withdraw from their substance of choice without any medical intervention whatsoever. This "cold turkey" detoxification approach can be more than miserable and is fraught with anxiety, anguish, and unbearable physical discomfort.

Nowadays, compassionate drug rehab treatment centers can offer a range of prescribed medications that work to ease the agony of drug withdrawal. Suboxone and Valium are among the medications that may be administered at a competent and confidential drug rehab facility.

Most facilities administer withdrawal medications for the shortest time period possible, because the goal of rehab is, after all, to present the patient with tools for living freely without the crutch of narcotics and other mind-altering, addictive substances.

Should I Enter Drug Rehab?

These are two of the most common questions heard at a drug rehab in Round Rock. If you think you have a problem with drugs, you probably do. If much of your day is spent thinking about or finding a source of your favorite drug, chances are you'd benefit mightily by a stint in a skilled drug rehab facility. Call today to receive help (877) 804-1531.

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